The Bramhope Youth Development Trust (BYDT) is a registered Charity run by volunteer trustees. It was established with the funds arising from the sale of the old youth centre and broadly speaking aims to advance the education and development of the young people aged from 10 to under 18 and living in Bramhope, through their leisure time activities.
The Trustees convene quarterly and we generally make grants to qualifying individuals and groups.
We make grants typically to youngsters going on organised school trips including members of school sports teams travelling abroad. We also grant awards to youngsters pursuing individual interests independently where they demonstrate personal commitment and / or those seeking to do something challenging.
The age limit means we can’t give grants to those aged 18 or over but we will consider applications from Bramhope residents within our age range (10 to under 18).
Much of our routine expenditure also relates to grants to local groups working with young people such as the various sports teams as well as cubs, scouts and guides.
Our message to Bramhope youngsters is clear: it’s no longer credible to say there’s nothing for you to do. If you do absolutely nothing else and if you have something in mind at least get onto our website and download a grant application form. There are no interviews involved – simply persuade us you are planning something worthy of our support.
During 2012, the BYDT also part funded the refurbishment of The Knoll play area. Thanks are also due to the initiative of enthusiastic volunteers assisted by various grants including a major contribution from the parish council. Initially the refurbishment was designed to appeal very much to our younger children but when it came to fund raising – the Bramhope Youth Development Trust (BYDT) stepped in. We made it known that if the scheme were to incorporate some equipment aimed at children aged 10 and over they would contribute up to £25,000 towards the refurbishment – which is what was agreed.
Not only that, but the BYDT also undertook to pay for the youth shelter on The Knoll as part of the deal and to fund a second youth shelter on the cricket field on Old Lane together with the nearby basketball/football goal facility.
The part funding of major projects like The Knoll refurbishment and the Cricket field projects are very much a rarity for the BYDT.